
Sunday, sleep in and papers, then Caro onto computer to convince Julia she doesn’t need our tax money, while I start painting. Then into the van for a local tour around the hills. They have very good walks all over the place and the local governments seem to try and get a walk to all peninsulas and hills. Dogs allowed on a leash so Louie very happy. We drive thru a little town called Snug and had noticed a sign to Snug Falls so off we went. Dirt road, one lane with passing bays up into the hills, a few houses all looking across the valley at the houses on the other side who are doing the same thing. I mean a few, I think four on each side. As we got to the car park? (extra dugout in road) Caro remembered Bill Bryson saying that 90% of Americans in National Parks never go further than 100m from the car park. Well Tasmania has fixed that by putting the car park 150m from the start of the track. Down this little track we went, a little concerned we were heading downhill at such a gradient, means the reverse on the way back. Nice bush and some huge trees standing and fallen down. Crossed a dried creek, found two walkers with dogs that were wet so must be water somewhere, on we went. Finally we passed two more walkers with two cardigan corgis (long wheel base, short wheels), thought if they can get up so can we. And suddenly, there before us was the Snug Trickle. Could have been spectacular but gotta come back when it rains. Nice round pool full of tannin with lots of potential, ferns everywhere. Brisk walk back up the hill and just as we neared the top an echidna came out and wandered around just next to us. That’s the second one we have seen on this trip. Just had dinner on the aft deck, salad and cheese from Bruny Is. Awesome colours with sun on all the boats in the harbour, and just us. |