Bramble Cove, Port Davey
43:19.3s 146:00.2e We are totally mystified, we are in Tasmania we have had a whole week of sunshine, sunburn, light winds and stunning views, when will we wake up? Today we continued our beachcombing in Spain Bay at the western end, picked up more rubbish and the girls had a great swim (no wet suits, just normal). We then moved back into the Bathurst Channel and stopped in the first bay with the aim of climbing the nearest mountain. Instead we went beachcombing and found a junk yard, very sad with most fishing related. Lots of plastic and now the Type A’s are working on junk art. We then walked on the main beach in this bay (Bramble Cove) and it was very clean. We found a discreet camping ground that the Kayak companies use and they are well placed and hard to find. The sunset was so good we sat on the beach and had a Kir. Thought I might sneak Louie in but the Type A’s wouldn’t have let me and now 5 boats have surrounded us. Oh and we didn’t get a cray this morning, but who ever visited the pot last night left it spotlessly clean with no bait anywhere to be seen. |