East Boyd bay (Eden)
37:06.6s 149:55.5e Moved across Twofold Bay from Eden to a new bay to shelter from the southerly winds around 15-20knts. Another great spot (if you avert your eyes from the woodchip mill and the navy dock). Anchored close into the beach and an easy row in for walks, swims and beachcombing. Large area for camping and not a soul. Amazing sprawling red brick, red roofed mansion built on a headland in 1910-13, looks like something from an Agatha Christie movie set in Cornwall. Called Edrom lodge, it’s now a guest house for large groups. We kayaked around to Kiah Inlet to see the old whaling station and also the original cottage used by the Davidson family at the turn of the century. Amazing. The beaches and coves are spectacular with white sand, bush and unfortunately lots of rubbish. Found more fishing paraphernalia for our scavengers’ art. About 5 yachts moored in the bay, many heading for Tassie, and weather is the big topic for discussion: when to head across the Strait? Looks like Tuesday. |