Chinamans bay, Maria island
Hove Too
David and Caroline Adams
Sat 26 Jan 2013 08:48
42:40.6s 148:03.6e Lazy start from Tribabunna over to Maria Is. Stopped near the wharf and rowed ashore for a day of walking and history lessons. A little disappointed as the place is overrun with scotch thistle and very little has been done with so much history at their feet. On my favorite hobby horse, Parks and Wildlife are managed by people with the vision of a knat and walk backwards. (Caro: they have done up some of the old buildings well, and the camp ground, but weeds are a disgrace). We have moved south to Chinamans Bay (at the isthmus on Maria Is) where the temperature is about 5 degrees and the flathead are all very small. There is always tomorrow… |