Stinkpot Bay
Hove Too
David and Caroline Adams
Thu 14 Feb 2013 20:03
43:01.2s 147:17.2e Finally broken free of the dock and restarted the cruise. Early start, moved across the bay to get some new anchor chain. Swapped out the old rusty mess and put some new galvanized chain on. Found this guy who deals to the fishos who just happened to have a barrel of chain out the back, so he doesn’t any more. Chugged down to tie up to Elizabeth Street Pier for lunch aboard with Pat and Bill, relatives of Caro’s family. Then waited for Ian and motored down together (with his cray boat Juliene) to his bay near Margate. Thursday night twilight here so managed to steam thru them then got surrounded by ski paddlers. Great to be back at sea. Due to head off to Recherche Bay together with Ian and Cathy tomorrow. |