22nd January 2015 Still preparing
Hejira position 50:49.99N 000:58.04W This is an experimental ‘blog’ to check the functions and, more importantly, to test this Luddite’s ability to use them! Once Hejira is underway, the Email updates that I used to send will cease as I will be operating on a Satellite connection and instead, I will be posting a regular (hopefully daily on the Atlantic crossing) blog like this. If you are reading this, you will have already mastered the access challenges and hopefully, given sufficient interest, you will do so again as our adventure progresses. Our position should be depicted on the chart which should be (if I have done it right) shown as you access the blog. Hopefully the narrative will be punctuated with pictures but, because of the Satellite connection, the resolution will be low. Preparation progresses with the list of work required shortening leaving only the shaking down of the systems and knocking the crew into shape remaining before departure. This is a picture of the crew for the ARC+ taken in Cowes Yacht Haven last week. From left to right, Bob Haywood, Barry Locke-Edmunds and Dr. Stephen Williams. Our itinerary, going forward, will be as follows:- Leave UK, heading South: Towards the end of May Leave Portugal heading for Canaries: 28th August 2015 Start of ARC+ heading for Cape Verde: 8th November2015 Start of Cape Verde to St. Lucia leg: 18th November 2015 Expected arrival in St.Lucia: 5th-7th December 2015 Cruising North from Grenada starting: 11th January 2016 The itinerary allows for trips home at various times including a month over Christmas 2015. Let’s hope the blog system works! Nick |