Progress report

Hamish Tait, Robin Hastie & Jim Hepburn
Wed 26 Sep 2007 16:00
We didn't meet the Lamidu after all last
week - guess he had something better to do! Anne was taken to meet him Monday
this week by her local volunteer counterpart (or "homologue") who rejoices in
the name of Godam Albert! I was taken to meet the Lamidu on Tuesday by Jutta
Krebs. Both Anne & I had similar experiences - we were told to remove our
shoes before entering the "palace", but subsequently were allowed to put them
back on as guests. We passed through what could only be described as the throne
room, which consists of a large antique wooden framed reclining deck chair and a
row of three plastic chairs! Then we went through to a lean-to shed where we met
the man himself. In fact he was very articulate polite and not at all pompous.
Vehicles in various stages of decay adorned the premises and there's a huge
satellite dish in the back yard; large enough to be a relic of a military
Anne has now met her boss/partner, the
inspector and has already visited one of the four schools she'll be working
with. She and Albert will visit the other three before next Tueday, when there
is to be a large meeting of representatives of all the interested groups, here
in Zidim. For my part, I continue an orientation process at the hospital with a
mixture of ward rounds, consultations and surgery. So far, I have largely been
observing as there's so much to take in. Have seen two cases of snake bite (that
really cheered Anne up!), an amazing array of pathology and already the down
side of the job - the death of a child. I have been assisting in surgery and the
nurse/surgeon (Abdu) tells me I'll be operating next week......... I think
One thing which struck me on the first
visit to the hospital was the sight of large birds walking round the courtyard.
I could scarcely believe it, but it has been confirmed that they are vultures!
Hopefully I'll get a photo to post on the diary next time we have "proper"
internet access.
Anne went back to the local market
yesterday with the assistance of Godam Albert. Amongst other things, she bought
a chicken. 4 live ones were brought for her to choose from. She was asked if she
wanted it minus feathers, but didn't realise this was also going to mean they
would cook the chicken for her. She was then stuck for an hour in the heat of
the day, fortunately in the shade of a rather flimsy wooden "shelter" before the
partially cooked bird arrived. Anne had already declined their kind offer to
include the chicken's head & feet!