1st week

Hamish Tait, Robin Hastie & Jim Hepburn
Sun 23 Sep 2007 15:34
That's us survived a week in Zidim. We didn't meet the local chief after all - guess he had better things to do! Anne has now met her counterpart/local volunteer, who goes by the name Godam Albert. He appeared at our door 7am on Tuesday morning, full of enthusiasm. Anne had to go back to Maroua for a meeting for the education programme with volunteers, inspectors and counterparts on Friday. She was able to get a lift with Sylvia who was going into Maroua on Wednesday for a meeting of the HIV/AIDS treatment committee. Then on Saturday, she got a lift back from Chrystel who runs the Baptist Mission in Maroua with her husband.
On Tuesday, we went to the local market with Jutta Krebs and managed to stock up with some fresh food, including fresh meat. The market looks quite colourful and fascinating, but we only had a short time there.
My learning curve is very steep! The range of pathology is incredible and treatment protocols are based on what works locally rather than scientific evidence. In addition, language is a barrier to communication, I have to write notes in French, abbreviations/shorthand are quite different. On top of that, at the end of a consultation, I have to write down every treatment ordered and add up the cost including the consultation fee and the cost of the paper the bill is written on! Needless to say decisions on management of patients is influenced to a great extent by cost!