Return Leg: Day 10
Rob Withers
Thu 2 Jul 2015 09:03
The idea was that I could post this from Falmouth using real internet
and share a picture of us happily grinning completed the AZAB.
Unfortunately that will have wait for another day - we're still stuck
50NM from the finish bobbing around at the mercy of the tide.
We had a pretty good day yesterday. The wind held up until nightfall
and we cruised along in light winds - about the only day that hasn't
been 'not enough' or 'lots' of wind. We overhauled Dreancatcher when
reaching, but as the wind came behind, she came past us again, and is
now lost in distance ahead. I imagine them in Falmouth already
wondering how we caould be so slow.
Morale is holding up OK - but we're both looking forward to finishing!
pp James