Las Palmas en fete
Rob Withers
Sun 13 Nov 2011 18:11
celebration to mark the official 'opening' of the ARC. We've made a
very concerted effort to throw off our curmudgeonly tendencies and get
involved with the fun, and have made some progress. Its been partially
successful - but there's still some way to go. A cheerful comment
from a passer-by was followed by a comment of 'what did he want?' from
one member of the crew, but I'm sure that by the end of the week Ali
will be dancing happily to the Benny Hill theme that has been blaring
out across the marina all afternoon!
This morning was the opening parade - which was a march along the prom
in country order led by a brass band and followed by a great drum band
that played the opening bars of George of the Jungle VERY loudly many,
many times. In the parade there was much admiration for the design of
the crew shirts (well, it was commented upon) and we met Tess
Mcintyre's swimming teacher - who is on a very smart 60ft racing yacht.
The parade was followed by the dinghy race - which was really just a
water fight in rubber dinghies. We watched from our pontoon (party
spirit yet to fully kick in) and 'enjoyed' the music.
Bob, the SSB man, came to help us reprogramme the useful ARC
frequencies. This afternoon was spent happily regreasing winches and
climbing the mast. The main deck blocks that take the genoa sheets
now turn better!
As Benny Hill carries on playing, I'll leave you with the pictures.