Day 3 - Lovely Sailing

Rob Withers
Tue 22 Nov 2011 17:51
We're settling down into the routine now. We had twin headsails and
full main out for most of today, which although fast, was a little too
much like hard work. So we're now back to just the 2 headsails, for
not much loss of speed and Heidi the Hydrovane can take over the hard
work of steering.

I (Rob) didn't sleep well last night - probably due to a nasty little
cross swell that rolled the violently a few times before going away for
a couple of minutes. James and I tried sleeping across-ways on the
large bunk in the read cabin, but it wasn't really relaxing!

It is James' 'day off' today. No watches, but cooking duty instead.
With a bit of help he produced a great loaf of bread and now he's
starting to do supper. He's also been doing his schoolwork everyday
without being prompted. I wonder if this kind of behaviour will
continue when he gets home?

We are hosting the SSB radio net tomorrow, and will be asking
participants to produce a limerick , starting with 'There once once a
boat in the ARC...' . Entries also gratefully received from land-based
fans. The best will be read out over the SSB radio net (and maybe
passed off as our on)

Until tomorrow


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