Blog from Sarah

Rob Withers
Thu 24 Nov 2011 16:24
Pos: 23:05.1N 23:45.6W
A female view of life aboard. There is nothing more magical than
sitting on watch at night surrounded by the stars and planets with
phosphorescence sparkling in the boat's wake and the occasional pod of
dolphins for company. Sleeping on board at night, however, is like
trying to get some rest in one of those flight simulator pods you see
at fairgrounds. The whole boat rocks and rolls making it impossible to
sleep on one's side as you just roll over. Being deaf in one ear is
definitely a blessing as the boat creaks and clangs and one of the
crew is a heavy night breather ...
I am grateful for my lovely forward cabin. I think as the trip
progresses I might need to defend my possession of it from jealous
Rob is definitely a bit of a Russell Crowe leaping up with binoculars
when an enemy vessel is spotted and working out tactics to beat all
comers. Steve is Mr Fix It and has a passing resemblance to Mr Smee.
James is chief fisherman and remains undaunted by the fact that we
haven't caught anything. Alistair is very strong and brave with a
penchant for going up the mast. They have been very good as I have
fussed about a clean galley and washing up "properly". This morning
they heated up the water so that I could enjoy a hot shower. Bliss.
We are about to cross into the tropics so James and I are off to plan a
'tropical' evening. Bye!

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