Return Leg: Day 2
Rob Withers
Wed 24 Jun 2015 09:49
The grib projection has been spot on so far. After a very calm few
hours slopping about off the end of Sao Miguel last night, we now
bowling along at 8knots in a decent South west breeze.
The start was at 12:10 Azores time yesterday. A short windward leg
round a mark before people could decide which way round he island they
wanted to go - I think everybody went round the west end. The
afternoon was spent ghosting through wind shadows caused by the
mountains, wondering if our more inshore route was going to be a good
decision or not. Once we we were level with the west of the island, it
was clear that although a few boats had got ahead, we hadn't done badly
- and we had some 'fast' company drfiting around in the zephyrs.
It was a lovely clear night - moonlit for 1/2 of it. We saw whales of
some sort blowing in the distance. The wind restarted about 3:00am and
has been gradually filling in as predicted. We're now back on BST, and
it's nearly time for 11s. James is enjoying helming instead of being
at school.
Let's home the SSB doesn't fry the electronics today. so I can receive
your emails and write tomorrow.
pp James