South China Sea
Chsalonina - Chizol
Chizol has now been sold to sail around again
Tue 16 Nov 2010 14:21
Tonight our position is 00:31s 106:15e this means we are still
in the southern hemisphere but not for long - another 61nm so about midday on
the 17th November we return north eh up, having been south since feb/mar -
Chizol did well
We have come across debris from the recent tsunami in the form
of wood rubbish and a couple of carcasses of a goat and a cow with horns - very
blotted and almost sitting on top of the water
Batteries very hot an more distilled water in 2 of them
this morning- we are making about 5.5 kts sog and 5.8 kts over water so a little
adverse current
All is well on board