Graptolite - Beers, Burgers and Bellydancers

Graptolite's Sailing Log
Martyn Pickup & Heike Richter
Thu 14 May 2009 18:58
We left Dolphin Reef on Tuesday afternoon crashing through 20 knots of wind
from the northwest. We set off with the intention of running back if it got
nasty but by the early hours of Wednesday morning it was OK so we carried on
to Port Ghalib arriving before lunch for fairly painless Egyptian
formalities. We did have to have to be checked for Swine Flu though.
Port Ghalib is a big new swanky resort with hotels, housing, restaurants and
shops which is geared up for dive boat charters. The only thing it seems to
be lacking is more than a handful of paying customers.
Wednesday night was cholesterol catch-up night and we pigged out on
cheeseburgers and beer in an otherwise empty 'TGI Friday's' (a corporate
name that makes little sense in a Moslem country if you ask me). With more
beers in the '50 Bar' in the Marina Diving Hotel we took in a belly-dancing
show but there wasn't a lot of belly to be seen as the dancers were all a
bit skinny.
We did some happy-hour cocktails and Egyptian food this evening with Graham
and Val (Siver Heels) who turned up this morning.