Chugging up the South China Sea, or, 'Slow boat to China'?

Fri 10 Sep 2010 05:03
Friday, 10th September, Midday.
Last Anchorage 5:47.85S 110:20.46E P. Menyawaken,
Karimunjawa Group.
Current Position 2:30.6S 108:19.3E
Which should show that we are of the NE coast of
Belitung Island: a mysterious place that receives no mention in either the
'Lonely Planet', or my Cruising Pilot. I do have electronic charts of the area,
but the detail is poor, and on balance I'm going to avoid it. So next stop is
now the Riau Islands, either an anchorage in the south, or straight to the
Marina at the North end of Batam Island: where I check out for Singapore. Some
way yet, and this is a very long and rather tiresome leg. Firstly we are now in
the 'transition period' between the Region's weather patterns: the Monsoons. So
calms and squalls are the norm, and indeed what I have had to put up with for
nearly a week now. Constant motoring, and a bit of concern now that the fuel
will not last out: just a little extra to add to my anxiety list!! Between
squalls there is not enough wind to sail, during each squall the wind rotates
through 360 degrees over a period of an hour or so, blowing at 25 kts to start
with, then easing away slowly. This makes it very difficult to hoist, reef ,and
control the sails, so generally I don't bother, just use some forsail, which is
easy to let out, when the wind is blowing from a favourable direction, and to
stop us being blown off course too much. Horrid lumpy seas build quickly, and
are or course slow to dissipate.
The squalls occur mainly at night, often with
thunder and lightning, but none too severe yet, and touchwood! So I have become
a nightshift worker, which is a little disorientating, and my kitchen timer
works overtime to wake me at 30 min intervals. At dawn I sleep for several
hours, weather permitting.The other interresting thing about the nightime
is the appearance of fishing boats: often dozens
are visible at any one time , lighting up the horizon with their brilliant
illuminations, designed to stir up the nightlife, squid, prawns, and I guess
fish as well. Some boats use multiple fluorescent tubes, dozens along each side
of the decks, others use 3 or 4 huge and dazzling spotlights. Close to the
effect is very odd. During the day the boats melt away, as daytime visibility is
much reduced, but they remain at sea, the crews, like me, resting. It seems they
stay out until their holds are full, or perhaps, given the temperatures out
here, until the catch threatens to rot! It stands to reason that there
is just as much risk of collision by day as by night, but when the night sea
looks like ironed out christmas tree illuminations, it is difficult to ignore
the threat. Fishing boats have right of way, of course, and you wouldn't want to
argue with these things, wooden but substantial, about 40 feet long at a guess,
and often with exaggerated prows annd sterns like Roman galleys. How they manage
to fish through these thunderstorms I have no idea, for a while visibility
is zero, so you have to make a note of where the ships are before the lights go
out. For sure I get to see their bright lights before they would get to see
mine, but I don't imagine that for one moment anyone is looking out for lone
yachtsmen. I havn't seen another yacht since we left Bali. Most days are cloudy,
but you still burn if you spent too long in the cockpit. I have taken down the
bimini, as it rattles something aweful during the squalls
Refuelled at a posh 5 star resort in the
Karimunjawa Islands, the Kura Kura Resort, (have a look on the internet), having
almost given up trying to locate the place given the sketchy directions in the
Pilot Book. The hotel owns the entire Island, so no problems with Local
Officials, Vilage Headsmen, Harbourmasters, etc, and their staff were really
helpful and kind, and I got a 'free' mooring for the night if I had supper at
the restaurant: how do you refuse after three nights of thunderstorms? Plus, the
'local dish' menu option was just about affordable, and delicious: Thai Spring
Rolls, but nothing like you get in Bromsgrove! Excellent Snorkelling as well, so
a really successful stopover. Just wish I had had one more empty
jerrycan for fuel available.
Other good news is that my imodium requirement has
diminished very considerably: this means that the toilet roll stock is no
longer under such tight control as the diesel supply.
Back to the grindstone