Fresh Bread Man

Fri 13 Aug 2010 06:47
Current position 07::49S 117:30E
Friday, August 13th
We are on our way to Bali, having made excellent
progress during our first three days sailing from Wakatobi with perfect 15 kt
winds on our stern quarter. Now, in the middle of the Flores sea the winds are
much lighter, and today it is near cloudless and very hot. Even so we are
managing almost four kts, so no need for the engine yet. Yesterday we baked
bread, Hannahs first experience of baking on board. She said that the fresh hot
bread and cheese that we had for lunch was her best meal ever! I do know
what she means. Baking hasn't been necessary up to now, as Australian bread had
preservatives which render it almost immune from natural decay: I wonder if
these chemicals do the same for the consumers? As far as we can see there is no
bread as we know it in Indonesia. The fresh bread man of the title was a St
Lucian who came around the marina each morning in his bum boat selling local
white bread. 'Wake up!', he cried 'here de fresh bread man.'
So uneventful so far, but we have nearly run into
several fish aggregating devices: anchored bouys about 2 metres diameter dropped
in the middle of the ocean, which attract trailing seaweed which attracts
shrimps which attract small fish which attract big fish, which attract sharks!
This morning we came across a big fishing boat tied to one of these bouys, and
four guys in dugouts fishing with lines around the bouy. Another guy had a
yellow and white diving suit on? anti jellyfish or anti shark?
Meanwhile we learn that Conny, our travelling
target, has arrived in Poonah, albeit on a later than planned flight. It never
occured to me that it might be C who would be delayed, but on reflection,
between India and Indonesia, anything must be possible.
As today is Friday the 13th, we have extra
vigilance on watch. I'm glad we are not be making our final approach: the
channel betwen Bali and neighbouring Lombock is reported to be full of natural
tidal hazards and supertankers. Overnight anchorage in North Lombock tomorrw,
and an early morning dash accross the strait? Fingers