Sun 5 Aug 2012 15:42
First day out has been far from perfect, although
the weather GODS have been smiling down on us.First an oil pressure alarm caused
us to shut down the engine and change the oil filter.( BZ Lt OC) Not fun in a
seaway, with a hot engine and cramped engine room. After all that the problem
persisted and it turned out to be a loose wire on the control
panel. If that wasn't bad enough the recently fitted auto pilot
decided to leak oil all over the boat. Which was quickly cleaned by one of
the cadets. However on a more positive side we now have a crew who
know how to rig the emergency steering. The unplanned incident also
gave the cadets a chance to rig the sails not once but twice which will prove
beneficial on our trip. With a group of six cadets with only
one competitive sailor this practice will go along way. The leak is
now fixed and the system is topped up with oil. The autopilot is now turned
off (forever, or at least this voyage).
this behind us we can now get started on developing a routine onboard.The three
way watch system has been finalised, everyone is familiar with all the equipment
onboard both below and above decks. But I think it is safe to say nothing about
this trip will be routinely boring. Just now a family of porpises are playing
off our bow!!!.The Sat Phone linked to tough book is working great... many
thanks to all involved in getting that to work.