Electronics failure

Carla and Richard
Tue 7 Jun 2011 10:46
Tuesday 6 July
Oh dear we have some technical issues! Our
electronics have failed, including the auto helm. We have considered the
possibility of retiring and heading to La Coruna (250 miles from where we are)
however, we have decided to keep going for now and see hbow we get on and keep a
close eye on the weather. The GPS is working and we have our trusty
compass! It is more of a nuisance than actually dangerous not having the
auto helm or the other electronincs and so we are going to give it a
go. This will mean less sleep though eekk!
Dad said we should have big arms muscles by the end
of it....hmmmm not exactly what I was going for (flat tummy maybe!)
At the moment the wind has eased slightly and so I
think it is probably a force 4/5 from NW