Chris & Katie Russell
Fri 16 Feb 2018 20:48
14:35.72N 61:02.53W
Having hired a car we started to explore the remainder
of the island. It justifiably earns its original name given to it by the Caribs
of 'Island of Flowers' with some magnificent gardens and colourful displays of
flowering shrubs. Add to that the cultivated fields of bananas, sugar cane and
pineapples as well as the wild tropical rain forests of the mountains -
particularly in the north and you have an island that is a joy to explore.
Sometimes you could be in Brittany or even Devon with fields of cows on the
hillsides with roads lined with deciduous trees - we wondered when the leaves
There are a mix of old and shanty type towns
and well kept tourist orientated places but we never felt threatened and
everyone we spoke to or interacted with was kind and helpful - although we made
sure that we tucked up in bed well before Carnival reached its
It is very French - and being so the well stocked large
supermarkets (Carrefour and SuperU) are much cheaper than the other 'English'
Caribbean islands and the roads system here is well established and maintained.
Produce - like 'tacky' souvenirs and fashion shops are much
better and more 'chic'
Marin is a fantastic place for marine products and
support - a place that I am sure we will be revisiting in the future. We also
managed to get some good work completed in Fort de France where there is good
support - you just have to find them