Back to Associate for final preparations

Chris & Katie Russell
Wed 1 Nov 2017 17:08
28:57.76N 13:32.35W Arrecife, Lanzarote
We returned (better flight this time BA) to Associate to find her in fine fettle - lovely and clean courtesy of a local live aboard couple making an honest euro. The yard has not completed all the work we had requested - not really a surprise as boatyards seem to be the same the world over - we then had to beat some heads together and make warm noises to make things happen before we leave. Unfortunately they all down tools for November 1st as its All Saints Day so today has been a bit lost. Hopefully we will be ready to leave tomorrow evening and will make our way first thing Friday towards our goal of Las Palmas by Sunday 5th via a stop on the island of Fuerteventura
With 18 days to go to the start we are quietly confident that we have done all we can to be ready - but you never know!

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