Time to sail and to steer?

Chris & Katie Russell
Mon 4 Dec 2017 20:12
12:45.73N 41:36.68W
The time on board is changing as we progress west. As you are aware each 15 degrees west we go is the equivalent of one hour time difference (360 degrees around the earth divided by 24 hours). 'Ships' time - the time we change watches stays as GMT so even though we get up at the same time the times of sunrise and sunset are changing around us and therefore daylight hours - still with me? We are now 40 degrees west so are approximately 2.5 hours difference from the UK. We now go to bed a bit later and get up at about 08:30 which is just after sunrise at the moment (if we are not on watch). I don't think that we will experience any jet lag by the time we reach St Lucia
We have had another interesting day in a rather lumpy and confused sea - we tried 'gybing the angles' but it was better on one gybe and worse on the other so went back to our poled out genoa and trysail surfing down the waves and taking the rolling as it hits us
The other bit of news is that we have lost the use of our automatic steering so are going to have to hand steer our last 1150 miles - not a big issue - more just tedious. Inexperienced sailor Jane will be on a big learning curve but we are all sure that she will be just fine
Tomorrow we turn slightly north and set our course for our final destination. Bring it on

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