Bayona update

We are here in Bayona and because it is Northern Spain the
weather is not as hot as it is down south so the surrounding countryside is
very green and lush, picture postcard stuff , the Bayona Yacht Club it
set up above the marina and is surrounded by a 16th century castle
making it a perfect setting for an afternoon Gin and Tonic . We have cleaned the boat inside and out and it now is prim and
proper and is dressed overall as is the rest of the fleet. After the Biscay crossing everyone is now safely in
the marina ,with tales of Whales and dolphin sightings on the crossing . All
the crews are in very high sprits with the self satisfaction running in
top gear. Most of the crews are on first name terms and there are
around 60 people in total on the 16 boats. There are quite a few crew
changes with the new replacements coming for the coastal trip down the coast of
Portugal. We have been out to a couple of restaurants with other crews
and the food is very good and the cost is reasonable, We went for a day trip to
Santiago de Compostela, where there is a famous Cathedral which was a pilgrim
site in the 15th century unfortunately the weather was raining all day,
it was a bit of a damp squid. The Rally Sangria reception was on the yacht club veranda
and Andrew Bishop of Rally Portugal arrange at the last minute a local restaurant
to take 50 high spirited yachties such short notice the service was excellent
as was the food. The banter was at an all time high between tables , so a good
night was had by all. Having problems getting a strong signal to send pictures but
will keep trying and hope the text only mails will come through. All the best Team Andiamo |