40:00.7N 42:50.4W - Weather getting lighter now.

Yellowdrama IV
Skipper/Crew: Blake and Clarissa Richter
Mon 21 Sep 2009 16:52

Hola Everybody


Greetings from all aboard Yellowdrama. On Saturday afternoon, we revelled in a great run of wind behind us lifting the boat to a steady avg. 8.5 knots. The sky was blue, the sea was blue and..it wasn't raining!!!! In fact, the whole scene could have been a remake of Duran Duran's 1981 Rio video, minus the dodgy hair and the 'girl' from 'Rio' dunked in polyfilla cavorting around midships. Remember that video? (Ok - showing my age here - maybe you don't)


In fact...Simon Le Bon was once aboard this very vessel!!!  If your response to this nugget of pop-history is ..'Who is Simon Le Bon??' Never mind. If your response, on the other hand  was..'Oh! Simon Le Bon!!!..I had posters of him all over my walls'..then let me tell you that Simon was once aboard this very vessel. Didn't sail it mind you..wasn't exactly top-knotch with the whole spinnaker concept....a bit like Mark.


Of course, much more important than Simon (with respect) is the current contingent of Blake, Clarissa, Sasha, Steve, Andrew and Mark on their homeric voyage to the Azores.If you have been tempted to give the late-night shopping channel a miss and take a peak at the weather channel of late, you might have spotted a decidely large formation of cloud  in the Atlantic in the shape of a Cumberland sausage.


This impish pest has been rather mischievous of late.  Having being cajoled into believing that the North Atlantic helter-skelter was firmly to our rear, us, the wind crept up upon us late Saturday night, when we were all tucked up comfy below decks and played havoc into the wee hours. Andrew, decidely upset at his new-found ability to levitate and kiss the ceiling every time the bow dipped below the waves, abandoned his berth and retreated to the saloon, clutching his eiderdown.


We have been discussing whether it is worse to have a rough night sailing or a night (like last night!) with little wind and sails slapping like crazy!  The swell is taking it's time to settle down. 
This afternoon, we also spotted a school of dolphins! Andrew got some excellent fotage which we will all share with you when we get back.  The lines are out again as Mark and Andrew are after more Dorado for dinner!
That's all for now.
The Y4 Crew