Salvador to Cabedelo

Donald Begg
Sun 10 Mar 2019 13:31
The chief characteristic of this route is fishing activity. The edge of the continental shelf causes the depth to drop from fifty to several hundred metres in the space of a mile, around twenty miles offshore, and this is where the fishing appears to be at its most productive. We soon learned that the boats trawl, troll, and lay traps just inboard of the shelf. The boats are well lit, the traps are not, a yachtsman’s nightmare. At night the position of the shelf is well marked by the line of fishing-boat lights. One mile further out to sea and the sailing is clear.
Cabadelo is the port at the mouth of the Paraiba river. We came up the ship-channel on the morning of the 1st March, into the river where the water suddenly turns from blue to brown, and then a further three miles up, in between the mangrove swamps, to the marina in the village of Jacare.
462 miles from Salvador, a slow passage.