What year? This year!

Mon 12 Jan 2015 14:02
Hi guys!
This is my first entry on this blog - yes i know i stated that i will never ever have a travel-blog.
Ok - here is my travel-blog. I was simply asked to often.
We are at the very beginning of our first tour-year and have still things to do.
So at the moment we have not very much to say.
Hopefully this will change. But don´t estimate to much of this blog.
As it is open to everybody i will not give to much details here.
For now we put our packing-lists together and do the last modifications on Tink.
These include:
- main lights
- modifications of the undercarriage
- new platform for the spare wheels
- cable winch
- minor modifications of the cabin.
For more detailed information please join us on:
Greatings :-)
Team Tinkerbell