Biscay Drama 43.22.072N 08.23.090W
Log extract: It is pitch black outside and the boat is being thrown around and the
compass spinning like the tumblers of a one armed bandit. The twin wheels are
connected to the auto pilot drive unit via chains which are constantly moving
as the rudder is moved from one side to the other - the bolts that needed to be
tightened are inches away from these fast moving chains. (Remember The Texas
Chain Saw Massacre -chains are really good for cutting off limbs !) Options Doing nothing - autopilot eventually breaks off - we loose steerage and in the bad conditions probably loose boat.Do Something -tighten bolts -Autopilot should hold out but may loose fingers or hand in the Stormbreaker Chainsaw Massacre ! No option but to tighten the bolts - Sarah broke open the first aid
kit and prepared some bandages just in case. One again I squeezed into to the
tight space with a spanner, head torch and much trepidation. On my way
Stormbreaker was once again hit side on by an enormous wave and I was hit by an
Industrial size pack of Andrex which had become airborne - more expletives ! It felt like the bomb defuser
in one of those movies - one false move and ………. The spanner felt slippery in my wet hands - the space below
the unit was a dark void of bilge space -no chance of recovery if dropped. Deep breaths and ready for the first bolt -all lined up with a
steady hand - another wave strikes Stormbreaker and my head is knocked against
the bulkhead and hits the switch of my head torch which promptly turns it off
-complete darkness. I hear the pilot respond to the wave and both chains move
faster as if eager to slice the wet fingers that have dared to come so close. I
quickly pull back and the spanner starts to slip from my sweaty grip - I loose it
and as the boat lurches violently it fly’s back to hit me in the face -further
and increased expletives - Head torch re lit and spanner lays just in front of
me . A further look into the now well illuminated chamber of horrors and
a second attempt to grab the bolts - spanner on the first bolt as the chain
trims the hairs on my knuckles - two or three turns secures a tight fit on the
first of the four bolts. Spanner on second bolt as the boat lurches again -
this time I am caught a glancing blow by the port chain - just a nick but a
reminder of the danger. Another lurch from Stormbreaker and I am reunited with
the case of beer which now pins me down and clears the air from my lungs. Bolt two now secured and a move to the starboard rear cabin to
access the other side of the unit . Case of beer has long since left my back as
it flew across the cabin after a further lurch from Stormbreaker. Now in starboard cabin with better sight of bolts and a better
angle- chains continue to spin and snarl but I eventually secure the remaining
two bolts moments before the batteries in my head torch drain and I am once
again plunged into complete darkness. All now sorted – autopilot appears OK but will check in Coruna .