Sunday 20th November – 500 mils to run to Bar bados. 13.52.45N 51.12.23W

Sunday 20th November – 500 mils to run to Barbados.
We are well
into day 12 of our adventure – calmer seas and favourable winds push as swiftly
towards our destination. Life on board has settled into a routine of watches,
eating and sleeping.
As we move
West we have encountered a number of Squalls- these are basically small
thunderstorms common in this area. The strong sun shines on the warm sea and
huge volumes of water evaporate each day to form these moisture laden monsters .These
clouds quickly grow in size until they can carry no more water so they dump
what they have and the result is a localised rain shower of biblical proportions. These may only last for
a few minutes but it enough to wash and rinse the boat of the encrusted salt that
has accumulated on her over the last 12 days.
We monitor
the approach of these Squalls with our radar which can to some extent predict
their movements so we do have some warning however the Radar will only display
rain – it does not display the huge increase in wind speed and dramatic change
in direction that these squalls put out.
mainly occur at night although we have seen an increasing number of daylight squalls
over the last few days. It is tempting to speculate that the strong wind will
pass you by and therefore there is no need to reduce sail- be warned a number
of Rally Yachts have “Blown” sails out over the last few days (Blown is a sailors term for “Blown to Shreds”) On
Stormbreaker we study the radar and if in any doubt we reduce sail. With the
damage already sustained to our mainsail we can’t take any chances. So the last
few days has involved a fair amount of
activity as we watch clouds and reduce then increase .sail
As we move
West we must contend with that common question asked on passage – What time is
it - mainly to establish the proximity of the next meal.
As we progress each day the sun rises and sets
later each day and whilst the boat time is (UTC is PC for GMT) the time at our destination, Barbados,
is in fact 4 hours behind UTC
We use UTC
so we can keep track of the times of radio nets to talk to other Rally participants.
VHF, the normal radio used for inter ship only has a range of 20-30 miles so
with our fleet spread-out over hundreds of miles we use our SSB Radio to chat and have designated times when
this happens – all UTC.
So the good
news is that it is always meal time on board Stormbreaker as we mix and match
between time zones. As we close Barbados we will have to adjust our watches, eating
and sleeping patterns in time for arrival.