Sarabi uipdate sat 28th Nov

Sarabi's Adventures
Harvey Death
Sat 28 Nov 2009 12:13
18 48N 32 36W
Much better sailng yesterday but we lost a little progress flying the Sarabi
cursing chute due to the wind angles.Now we are very focused on chasing to
the finish some 1657 nm away!.Attached photo is of a stowaway passanger from
last night. Ut is very hot down below and the wind is very welcome, today is
20 to 25 kts and we are making good progress.
Todays crew top trump is Paul our first mate.Please enjoy the photo above
and the stats are;
Thatch rating 3
0 to pissed 1
Alcohol capacity 3
Desirability 9
Arc Factor 10
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