Monday 17th June

Mon 17 Jun 2019 18:28
Last full day here before start of return leg tomorrow. One final lunch at our favoured pavement cafe then to the marina and government offices building to formalise our departure (note: remember to go with passport next time!). Mike did an oil change on the generator after it stopped this morning with an "oil pressure" warning on the display panel.
After a helpful visit from MailaSail's Ed Willgoss we've moved the mount for the external antenna to the port side of the sprayhood immediately above the hatch through which we run the cable into the cabin (see earlier post). This should save a few minutes setting up each time. I've also got around to rigging the mount for the HD Action Cam so should have movies of the trip back.
Great race dinner yesterday evening at Solar da Graca ( Unfortunately the heavens opened as we were walking back to the boat. Only a couple of hundred metres but both drenched right through. I had earlier been caught on way back from lunch (see pic).
Interesting sight today of a car transporter Azorean-style.
Next post will probably be from sea unless the start is postponed 24hrs because of no wind.

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