catch up of last few daya

Hanse 540
Thu 2 Dec 2010 21:42
11.13.23 N  030.31.63W
day 10
today we turned west towards St Lucia after many requests from our followers !
We have not found the strong trades promised.. Made sonme progress today  but with gusty conditions and confused seas  the auto pilot coudnt manage with  the genaker, so as we are all tired we sailed with white sails through the night, Generker going up again soon though.
We planned for trip to last 15 days , now likely to be 20 , so we are having to manage supplies a little !
Its a lonely place down here, we have seen only one fishing boat in 4 days,,,
Still no fish caught and the only lures we have left would catch Jaws,
keep the emails coming.
day  9
Another frustrating day , running out of wind and drifted for 15 hours !!
Very hot, no fish caught.
This morning we have a little breeze and again going slowly south west to avoid more windless areas !
Tuesday we are hoping for our WIND and then we will catch up. (hopefully.)
The bar is now open so we are having our one daily beer.  Bread is the oven.