Day 18: The back yard

S/Y Cherish
Peter Gray
Tue 6 Dec 2016 16:28

This is the view over the aft of Cherish. The ensign has been flying proudly then developed a small hole and variously attached itself to the fishing line (see stage left: gaff patiently waiting for another barracuda but word got out and not a dicky bird) or to the dive bottles (stage right: said compressed air already been put to use when Ali cleaned the bottom of a neighbouring yacht in Las Palmas while we awaited generator updates - also very useful for blowing rubbish out of blocked pipes when emptying bilges). 

Ensign has now been brought in and is awaiting sewing repairs when we’re not pitching too much. The observant amongst you (or those with just time on their hands) may notice that, instead of the usual Union flag with red background, we have a blue background and an anchor motif. The blue ensign is usually only worn (not flown) by Royal Navy vessels - and certain others. We are allowed to fly the blue ensign, defaced by the anchor, because Peter is a member of the Cruising Association (sailing, not suburban antics), which holds a Royal Warrant permitting its members to do so.

 Meanwhile, for the first two hundred miles, we continued to fly the Spanish courtesy flag. We’ll soon have the flag of St Lucia up there. The end is in sight!