Past Half Way 56:34.35N 23:34.30W

mollihawk's shadow
eddie nicholson
Fri 15 Aug 2014 15:29
We motored all yesterday and the night before gently conserving our diesel but pushing on covering  125 miles in 17 hours.
From midnight last night the winds arrived and we had to reef the mainsail  from 1 to 2 to 3 reefs as it increased. Sleeping wasn’t easy as she rolled about a bit and other than a welcome visit from a school of dolphins we have seen no one except the ever present circling fumer gulls.
At 9am we celebrated the half way mark by having a big Bowl of Porridge!
While the winds are in  the high 20’s she manages that very well, and except for meal times which are a bit chaotic due to the angle of the dining room all are very comfortable.
The winds are due to decrease this evening and for tomorrow which should see us bask to full sail and the same speed of 8 knots, in conditions more suited to this elderly crew!