Real Fish and Dolphins

Lancer VI
Phil Coates & Kevin Garmston
Thu 27 Nov 2008 10:26
Hi From Lancer
Good News! Kev caught the first "proper" fish, i.e. one we could eat,
yesterday. The only slight drawback is that his (toy) fishing reel was
destroyed in the process. We still have one rod and are using hand lines but
that could be interesting if one of them hooks another decent fish!
The fish - a Dorado we think - was gutted, filleted, cooked and served for
last night's supper. All agreed it was very nice.
We had two visits from the dolphins yesterday - one in the morning when they
played around the boat for our entertainment and again in the night when
Phil was on watch. They left phosphorous trails in the water all around the
boat and stayed for nearly 3 hours. Phil's comment in our boat log reads "a
magical evening beyond description - will never forget it"
Oh, and just to rub it in, we do the full night watches in shorts and T
shirts now - it's hot, hot, hot.
Cheers from Lancer