Contradictory Bread

Lancer VI
Phil Coates & Kevin Garmston
Tue 25 Nov 2008 11:57
Hi from Lancer.
Day three and all is well if not rather slow. More wind is definately
required although we have no complaints about the heat and sunshine. Today
is bread making day - Kev has some Spanish dough (not pesetas!) and has
decided that the instructions on the yeast differ from those on the tin -
it's all going in so we might have a bread monster on board when it rises.
We have picked up a few other yacht positions over the radio and seem to be
doing alright - this news has brought new enthusiasm so we have put the
spinnaker up today - well two actually, the first one had a rip in it so had
to put second choice up. Both hoists went well and Phil is on deck mending
the torn sail as we speak.
As we are out of range we now have our own radio station called Steve n
Paulos iPods - the next tune goes out to Lizzie and Carl on their new
arrival - congratulations from Lacer - queue Cliff Richard and that annoying