Three days and going well

Hanse Sailor
Andy Brock
Tue 5 Apr 2016 19:41
“33:22.97N 57:54.02W”
we finally got away after a slight misunderstanding and had a great sail
for the first 2 days with nice light winds giving us 7 knots of speed heading to
Barbados and a little more north which we were expecting , the wind has started
to change to our advantage and we are now heading straight to the Azores at 6 to
7 knots sometimes hitting 9 , but the waves want us to stay around so are making
it a bit slower . after to much fish we have gone into the freezer and had good
old sausages and mash and tonight intend to have Alex's major of spag bol, I've
slept for England and Simon has been his usual hard working farmer , Jo has
settled in a bit better after having a disturbed stomach. I'm going to pass the
blog over to Alex as he seams too be the only person who can spell on board . so
for now everyone keep the wind behind you and remember don't just talk about it
“DO IT” its never to old to start and its never to young to either .