Day 15

Eric Whitelaw
Tue 6 Dec 2011 19:10
Sent:  Tues, December 6, 2011 10:05 AM
Subject: Day 15

Position "15:06.00N  50:01.80W
Wind strength was above our safety threshold to hoist the kite so we set with a polled Genoa. This set-up took us right through the night. Winds very variable from 8 to 38kts, but heading was consistent 269 degrees, so no tacking was required to maintain course (for a change).
A massive rain storm blew through, so Eric jumps on the helm, ready your self lads, get the hood up, get the main ready, take in some genoa, life jackets on, saftey lines on, hatch shut, get my head and shoulders.... what... get my head and sholders, the drew quickly understand, its fresh water shower time, a rare luxury, so a quick dowsing with shampoo and a bucket on the end of the boom, 10 mins later... all clean boys, lovely clean boys.
We had an interesting night, light wind start, which quickly grew to an all on deck and reef the main from full to reef 2 and half the genoa, end result a night long rollacoster runaway train ride, Ellisa went (and still is this morning) like a steam train, rough sea, but she took it in her stride.  Overall an exciting night where we covered some great mileage. We can smell the home comforts on the horizon and we are all pusshing our sprint finish, 650nm sprint finish it may be if the winds are kind.
All rhe crew are well, slightly mentally imbalanced, but this may be hard to spot for those that know us all.