And we are off! HORRRRRAY

Mollihawk's Atlantic Circumnavigation
eddie/david nicholson
Mon 24 Nov 2008 13:30
We set sail yesterday at 1 o'clock and it was a
fantastic experience to one realise that the planning which has been ongoing for
2 years was finally turning into a reality, and two that all 220 boats left the
marina at once.This was an quite a spectacular sight coupled with a brass
band which played for our departure.
Dad ( David) departed us on Saturday as he had
completed his works as part of the preparation team.
He played an essential part in getting us ready to
While a lot of the ARC Boats had more time to
prepare we wouldn't have been ready without him.So a BIG thank you to you from
all of us.
We were working 12 hour days to finalise
things.We now have enough food for 5 hungry
cannibals for three weeks and water for longer.
On the start line we were jostling with the only
other Irish Boat owned by Rory and Ursula with Juneau Petch at the helm and a
few of the bigger British boats which was interesting as Johnny the get out if
there Walsh spoke nicely to those chaps who came too close!! with
Dermot acting as a calming influence on the situation!
We got off to a great start in the first pack anr
hoisted the spinnaker which we took down for the night and now with a lovely
breeze behind us we have it back up again.
The winds have been light to moderate since
the start and sorry to tell you guys but the sun is a bit hot out
We had an uneventful first night at sea and are
settling into our 4 on 6 off rota for sailing at night.When day broke we saw a
few other spinnakers flying around us mostly behind of course!
must go to send the ARC our position,
love from us all,
Mollihawk's Blogger.