
Rocka Romcke
Wed 15 Aug 2007 13:22
36 02 N 43 34 W

Well today the wind has calmed very nicely indeed. Hopefully some sun
tanning weather and looks like we will have time today.
Logan and I were very busy in the engine room yesterday, hence no blog
entry. We had an overheating shaft seal. Long story, but it is running cool
We saw a big shark yesterday also, just lazily swimming along the surface. I
have been telling the gang all about having mid Atlantic swims but it wasn't
calm enough yet. Now it is calm and maybe we wont have many takers. Lots of
dolphins to seen every 2nd day. They are such lovely animals

Hope all is well on the home fronts, and for you kiwis, have the home fires
burning as it is still cold there now.