portugal and spain

brian thomas
Sat 15 Aug 2009 09:27
hi everyone
Apologies for the lack of news but I thought
sailing up and down the Algarve and Spain would be a bit boring. Anyway just to
let u know we are now in Ayamonte which is the last town before we get back into
Portugal. The last 3 weeks we (mark and his two children) have been sailing
along the Spanish coast exploring all the river inlets. So you can imagine we
have been anchoring most of the time except for a session in Cadiz bay which has
3 different marinas.
We all agree that anchoring off somewhere and
watching the sun set and rise as by far the most enjoyable. Especially
this time of year when all the popular marinas are jammed pack and also the
towns are littered with tourists ( I now classify myself as a much travelled
seafarer rather than a touristico.Si senor.
I have attached a couple of river inlet photos to
give u a just of how nice anchoring off can be.On the river Guadilquiver we
could see wild boar and cattle moving along the shoreline at dusk. then we had a
visit from a flock of sandmartins (maybe swallows?) in the morning.Luckily they
are as nearly as big as seagulls so they didn't leave too much of a send
Of all the small "places we visited El Rompido was
my favourite. It was a difficult approach and entrance but once inside it was a
massive Lagoon with beautiful views and walks and the town was so clean, pretty
and the people very friendly see picture.
We did discuss going up the river to Seville but 16
hours motoring was not really appealing so I took the train from Cadiz. I did
take a picture of the largest cathedral in the world (according to the Guinness
book of records). Its called El Giralda. Unfortunately my laptop decided to
delete it.Blast.
We will be back in Lagos in a few days. Then its
time for servicing the boat and other bits. The boats been a dream so far (touch
wood). Yesterday the boat speed wheel got blocked. Its directly under the front
part of the hull. I tried to clear it with a brush under snorkel so we decided
to pull it up through the hull which defies anything u want to do on a boat. So
we counted to 3 and pulled the plug. Whoosh came the spout of water but we
managed to put a stopper in while we cleaned it. And it worked for a day. Now
its blocked again. Ah well now I know the boats not going to sink its
On a very sad note Barbara rang me today to say
Robin had succumbed to his illness and died last night. I'm sure all of u who
know robin and Barbara will join me in expressing our condolences to Barbara and
the family. I know they would have both loved to have spent time on the
I have to return to blighty the first two weeks of
sept to collect some backup spares,and see the family.
Matt, Gilly, Dave (ropetackle) and his friend are
coming down in October and also my brother the week before. Then its all set for
our next big passage to Gran canaria via Madeira and Fuertaventura. We leave
Lagos on the 19th October.
That's it for now.
On a ra