22:45.017N 35:20.565W

Mental Yoga with Mare
Mon 22 Dec 2014 12:23
Monday !
The new moon will start to show up tonight. Last night no moon, but still very bright night, no clouds and a sky full of stars.

But the biggest star of the day yesterday was "la Dorade Coryphène" has nothing to do with "daurade"seabream from the Med
written with "au" in french.
Latin name:Coryphaena hippurus

As we were on a conference call with Belgium, suddenly the fishig line started to go very quickly and making a
zzzzzzzzz.....zzzzzzzz..... sound!
We've got something pulling our fishing rod ...

We had to immediately to interrupt our call and take care of our possible catch...

With the help of Loïc we slowed our speed in order to diminish the traction on the line, which helped a lot. Bernard and my
self trying to bring the fighting fish closer to our board, but already more than 350 yards from our stern. After tremendous
efforts, we felt no more fighting resistance ... What a disappointment, all this for nothing?

Bringing the last 50 yards in a total desolation, all our dreams of having the catch of the trip disappeared in a few

But suddenly coming from the deep of nowhere, the fish appeared surfing on his flank totally exhausted.
It's a "Dorade Coryphène" !!! Beautiful blue and yellowish colours with a length of 3 to 4 feet,a splendid dorsal sail fin and
a well recognizable flat shaped head. Unfortunately, the colours disappeared in a few minutes once the fish is taken out of the
water. We hooked the beauty on board and than the second fight started.
The fish gave all it could to go back to it's element, but with the help of "Wortegemse genever" in the gills, we brought the
beauty to sleep in a fraction of a second.
We will not describe the filleting part of it. This would remind me too much of my previous job life.
But the culinary part of it was the summit!
Tahitian way as an appetizer.
Grilled and ratatouille as a main dish.

This catch is especially dedicated to Zoé my daughter. We have been debating already six month together about a hypothetical catch of this
mythic fish.
More pics when we will back. Bernard has shown is photograph talents.

Distance to go 1538 NM
speed 7 knts

Sea you tomorrow.

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