Tuesday 3rd November

David & Donald
Tue 3 Nov 2015 22:49
Position 28.07.618N 015.25.518W

We made great progress today in much much calmer seas with sunshine all around - it was a shorts and tee shirt day on the good ship Bamarandi. Joy.

We have seen turtles and dolphins at various time during the day and were quite surprised on our approach to Las Palmas as to how developed it was (on the north side we approached from) with very large blocks of apartments and commercial buildings all along the coast.

It was renowned here for being a large commercial port - work first started in 1882 to turn the poorly protected bay into the largest and busiest commercial port in the Canaries.

There are 1250 berths here at the marina and the whole facility is very good. We toasted our safe arrival with a G & T and then settled in for a lovely dinner on board having been visited by the crew of Lir who Donald & Audrey know.

We are here until the 8th when we set off on the ARC+ for St Lucia via Cape Verde. There are several ARC+ events organised here - parties and safety briefings - at each end of the sailing spectrum.

The boat got a good clean overnight with a big shower saving us some work tomorrow!

Off for an early night to recharge the batteries.

All good on board, everyone just fine.
