Old Saybrook, Connecticut

41:17.0N 72:21.0W
Snug Harbour, Rhode Island
I was looking out the window as a large sail boat arrived in Snug and called Melv to go and help with the ropes, "I know him" he said and shot out. He had met the Canadian skipper, Jim, up in Newfoundland and as he was also heading for the Intracoastal Waterway was confident their paths would cross again at some point. Jim had a companion with him for this part of the journey and the four of us went out to dinner. We left Snug at the same time and there were tentative plans for both boats to head for Old Saybrook. In the event we lost sight of Jim's boat at some point - Melv thinks he may have opted for a marina on Long Island (which incidentally is just that a (very) long island). No doubt we shall meet again somewhere between here and Florida.
As promised please see photograph of the Diner at Snug Harbour - the owner told us nothing had changed since it opened in 1956(!). She also told us the photograph of the Great White was an accidental double exposure....although that doesn't entirely explain the presence of the shark on the roll of film, just that it didn't appear at the back of the boat in that classic JAWS pose.
We left Snug Harbour on Wednesday when - for once - the wind wasn't blowing, indeed we motored the whole way. However it did rain for most of the day and the temperatures at sea again called for thermal everything. Remind me again why this is so much fun? However by the time we arrived it was a very pleasant sunny, late autumn, afternoon.
Old Saybrook Marina
We arrived in Old Saybrook after the Marina Office had closed and so we tucked ourself on the end of one of the piers - in the event a sensible move as subsequently we were told it is the only place in the marina with sufficient depth of water. Zarafina undoubtedly lowered the tone of the marina, our neighbours were HUGE motor cruisers (of the Sunseeker variety). This morning we acquired a new neighbour....see from the photograph how Zarafina is dwarfed by the boat. Looking at it you just KNOW the upholstery is all cream leather. They were on their way to pick up friends from New Jersey but came in because the weather was forecast to be rough. Their friends arrived by train this afternoon - the men are presently sat in the top lounge watching football on a 52" flat screen - their wives sat on the seating area on the back having a drink...... The owner and Melv were conferring on tomorrow's weather and Melv commented it would be getting rougher before we got to our destination, but our neighbour said it wouldn't matter because they would be the otherside of New York by then.....!
The marina is our most expensive yet at $100 per night. For that we get use of the spa, jacuzzi, and a free shuttle service into town. When we approached the front desk this morning they apologised for the fact the shuttle driver was out on an errand but the owner's Cadillac would be brought around to the front door in its stead....where would we like to go?.....well, Walmart please! The shuttle driver did pick us up for the return journey and it transpired his errand had been the collection of 2 x 100lb (yes, 100lb) pumpkins for the front of the hotel. He had been to pick them up from a farm on the outskirts which specialises in monster pumpkins.
We are staying here for another day and meeting up with an old friend who is driving down to take us out to lunch. On Saturday we are planning another 40mile leg down the coast to Bridgeport.