North Atlantic all to ourselves -- very beautiful
Jim & Peri Holden
Thu 4 Aug 2016 00:53
posted by: Jim
date and local time (UT): Thursday 4 August 2016 00:30
We are now well past the half way point of our passage, with 440M yet to run until we arrive in Dingle in Ireland.
Having motored through a lack of wind on Tuesday evening, we managed to start sailing again at 06:15 on Wednesday and continued sailing with reasonable winds all day until 23:40. Since then we have been motoring again for the past couple of hours, due to a lack of wind. We are expecting very little wind tonight, and possibly very little wind through much of tomorrow. By Friday the winds are assured to be better,
We have still seen very little traffic — none at all since Monday — but are expecting we may likely see some shipping in the next day or so.
No big news from the past day, but we have settled into our watch routines well — Peri and me on one watch, and Grethe and Skip on the other. We do 4 hours on, then 4 hours off, with 2-hour dogwatches each day between 1600 and 1800 and then between 1800 and 2000, to switch the roles and timings of each watch on a daily basis.
Meals are self-serve breakfast after/before the 0800 watch change, then lunch at 1200 and dinner at 1800. One watch prepares and cleans up lunch and dinner each day, so each watch has a “hard” day followed by an “easy” day. We have been enjoying nice meals under way :-)
We are also seeing some amazing sunsets, and the stars are stunningly bright and beautiful in this area with no artificial light whatsoever except what we bring with us.
Most likely we will arrive in Dingle at some point over the weekend.
Greetings as always to our followers ashore. All aboard are well, as is the boat :-)
S/Y Yuva