Josephine: westward progress

Jim & Peri Holden
Sun 29 May 2016 07:22
posted by: Jim
date and local time: Sunday 29 May 2016 07:22 (UT)
We are still in sea area Josephine. We knew that this would be the slow part. The wind did head us, as expected, and we spend a good amount of yesterday tacking, to make continued if slow westward progress.
Last night at 2100 UT we abandoned our SW-going tack as the NW and then W wind backed further S and began to fade. We spent the night motoring through lessening seas and headwind, towards our destination. In the last hour the wind has backed further, from W to just E of S. We now have the main and genoa out, but the wind is still light, at 7-8kt, so we are continuing with the engine on for now, until the wind fills in, making 8.7kt directly towards Ponta Delgada, with 360M left to run.
The wind is expected to strengthen from S, and on Monday night will be quite strong, so we should have a good fast sail, with engine once again off, from some point later today until our arrival in Ponta Delgada around first light on Tuesday, 31st May.
S/Y Yuva