Ponta Delgada (Sao Miguel, Azores): 132M to run

Jim & Peri Holden
Mon 30 May 2016 11:04
posted by: Jim
date and local time (UT): Monday 30 May 2016 11:00
We are now in sea area Azores. Since yesterday we have been hastening towards Ponta Delgada in view of a fairly deep low to the NW that is moving SE and will bring strong winds (F8) and rough to very seas, moving in from W. We are motorsailing, moving along at 8.5 to 9 knots, with 132M left to run. We are hoping that by arriving into the marina at Ponta Delgada by about 2am local time we may avoid the worst of what is coming — ie, just some rough conditions and F6 winds. Likely we will only encounter a bit of challenge when we are closing with the island.
It is a good thing that we made very little use of the engine over the first half of the passage, so are now in a position to use some of the diesel that we banked, to speed along to shelter.
For now conditions remain good, and both wind and engine are making good contributions to our speed. We may turn the engine off towards evening, and have a final sail into Ponta Delgada.
We will send a further update once all secured and squared away in our berth in Ponta Delgada — most likely by 5am or 6am, but if it is a bit later, no reason to worry. Both Yuva and her crew of four are well up to handling the expected conditions.
S/Y Yuva