en route to Ireland: 100+M NE of Terceira
Jim & Peri Holden
Sun 31 Jul 2016 21:21
posted by: Jim
date and local time (UT): Sunday 31 July 2016 21:21
We departed Angra do Heroismo this morning at about 06:30 as planned. Winds have been very light, and seas very slight. We have motored generally NE’ward and will likely continue to do so through the night and into the morning. Current wind is SW F1, sea state smooth with slight swell.
Wildlife sightings today included two sperm whales (with their characteristic 45 degree forward blow) at some distance, then half a dozen or so pilot whales much closer (the first two of them initially sleeping on the surface). We also spotted two sea turtles.
We have had two different lures out, and had one bite, but the fish spit the lure before we could set the hook.
Skip flew his drone and impressed us all with his ability to land it safely back on Yuva despite everything moving around as it does at sea, even in benign conditions.
Peri and I are settled in for the 2000-0000 watch, having just watched a beautiful sunset. We will be relieved at midnight by Grethe and Skip, then will be back again at 0400 and will put the fishing lure out again before first light.
We are successfully getting updated GMDSS text weather forecasts, as well as updated grib files, via Iridium. We will post updates here at least daily unless the Iridium connection fails.
Greetings to our followers ashore. All aboard are well, as is the boat :-)
S/Y Yuva