Morro de Sao Paulo

13:22.983S 038:55.633W Morro de Sao Paulo We left Camamu at 0630 on the high tide. It was a beautiful day and we made good time. We anchored at Morro de Sao Paulo at 16h15. Morro is on Ilha de Tinharé and is only accessible by boat. There are no cars and everyone gets around on foot on the narrow sandy streets. There are lots of bars, Pousadas and restaurants. It is the holiday destination for the Salvador crowd. The beaches are exquisite and calm as the whole island is surrounded by barrier reef, which at low tide is exposed. It lies at the mouth of the river and the anchorages are a short distance up the river. ON approach one can see the Morro lighthouse, built in 1855 and directly below it the ruins of the old fort built in 1728, sadly it has not been maintained and is falling apart. After exploring the town, which takes all of about one hour we have spent 3 decadent days lying on deck chairs on the beach. The deck chairs are free if you buy a beer from the establishment, so in total beached whale mode we lie in the sun watching the goings on and the parade of people on the beach, raising a lazy hand now and again to summon another delivery of beer. We watched the men practicing “Capoeira, this is a martial art that the slaves used to practice under the guise of a dance and is a formidable method of hand-to0-hand combat developed for use in the revolts organised in plantations without the knowledge of their masters. The musical rhythm is provided by percussion players and a musical instrument called a “berimbau” a sort of musical bow with a resonating gourd. Two individuals engage in hand-to-hand combat in a graceful ballet. Each makes a feint at attacking, dodges blows, pirouettes with amazing agility in a twirling tangle of legs and arms without ever touching. All in perfect harmony. orro de Sao Paulo Entrance to Morro de Sao Paulo. Taxes R$10.00 per person Pink clay cliffs “Tame” fish J Capoeira. A martial arts ballet! Incredible to watch. Twirling ribbons. Such beautiful girls. Street in Morro Captain Jack Sparrow recruiting crew J The Hot Cheese man. Grilled cheese on a stick in NNNNyummy! Life is tough. Church in Morro Spring tides sometimes wash whole palm trees down! Carvings at restaurant on the beach! The lighthouse. This is a fuffie(sp) slide running from the base of the lighthouse to the second beach. 30 meters long and 70 meters high. The TV aerial in the grave yard appealed to our sense of humour! At least they have something to do! |