26:29.12S 001:36.57E

Andre and Alison Stroebel
Fri 21 Jan 2011 07:55
Morning all,
We made good time last night under the spinnakar. Winds about 15 knots ands
sea swells 3 - 5 meters.
Yesterday was shower day! Whooppeee. Nice to feel clean again. Shower
consists of sitting on the sugar scoop (back of the boat) washing down with
sea water, Soaping up with colgate shampoo (the only thing that seems to
foam in salt water; one just deosn't feel clean without soap suds)) washing
off with sea water then a very quick rinse with fresh water.
The seas and winds were right yesterday when Andre and Kevin showered for
them to catch a swim as well, or maybe I should call it a drag. They put on
a harnes tie themselves to the boat and jump in the water, planing behind
with huge grins on their faces. This is done in the buff as the strength of
the water washing past rips off any clothing etc. :) Needless to say I wait
till the "boys" (Rob and Kevin) go for their afternoon nap before I get to
Wind and sea up this morning and we seem to be making good time in our race.
I woke up to find bacon defrosted on the sink with a note from Keven "HINT
HINT" haha. so it looks like a bacon and egg morning. We get that going at
about 10h00 when everyone is awake.
Yesterday we opened the crunchie stock my Dad made for us. They are great and everyone is tucking in. Thanks Dad.
Love to all