Anchorage 18 Saco de Longa

23:08.14S 044:18.72W 23rd March 2011 – Wednesday Monday we woke to another rainy overcast day and took advantage of it. We did a few chores replaced a bolt that had once again sheared off in the starboard engine and generally chilled. Read lazed about and had an early night. Yesterday the sun was trying hard to peep out from behind the clouds and we set off early, around the Eastern side of Ilha Grande to the South. The Southern side of the island faces the sea and has no safe anchorages, so the plan was to visit and explore and then come back to a safe anchorage on the north side for the night. Our first stop was at Ilha Jorge Grego, a small island just off of the South eastern side of Ilha Grande. The landscape here is quite different; it is huge rocks going straight into the sea with jungle right to the water line. It reminded us of the Storm’s river coastline. We found a small cove on the west side of Jorge Grego and tried to anchor as we were hoping to scuba dive. But the water was too deep for a safe anchorage so we just snorkelled, so we could keep an eye on the boat. This is the biggest variety of fish we have seen yet in Brazil. There is no coral reef, just some small corals growing on the rocks. Other than a few pretty fish there is really nothing to see. We read about the amazing diving in Brazil but have not yet found any great sites. After our snorkel we up anchor and set off for Saco de Dois Reis (Two Rivers). The old prison was based there and was active until the 1980’s when the government of the time imploded it. I still find it amazing that one arrives and a seemingly deserted beach with one “shack-like” hut in the trees; then we walk beyond the first line of jungle and find a whole village. After our walk we set sail west to round the other end of the island and found this tiny little fishing village in a cove where we anchored for the night. Saco de Longa Yacht Isa was busy anchoring when we arrived and they joined us for red wine sun downers! Tomorrow we will go ashore to explore! Ilha Jorge Grego Saco Dois Rois (Two Rivers) Saco de Longa |